Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tasman September 2021

 What a year it has been so far!

Our camp at Arthurs Pass started the winter season very well with hut building, river crossing and boulder hopping keeping us engaged and challenged.

Hut building.
The heavy rain made for very impressive waterfalls
... and fantastic puddles.

We are all enjoying the freedom of play based learning with some very creative inventions and interesting explorations into how things look inside...

Taking apart some old hard drives and tablets.
Using the woodworking table and fabric scraps.

School continued at home during the lockdown last month and there was lots of creativity being shown with photos of cooking and crafts shared online.

Of course we have been learning to read and write effectively and use our skills to discover new ideas and present our findings too. In maths we have been looking at transformations with rotations, reflections and transitions and how to express them using accurate language.

Our next big challenge is the wearable arts presentation next term. We are starting to develop our ideas and plan for the construction of some pretty ambitious ideas.